
pineapple Hab Shrimp!

Pineapple Habanero Shrimp skewers

Pineapple Hab Shrimp skewersThese beauties are gonna change your life.....

Pineapple Habanero Shrimp skewers

Pineapple Hab Shrimp skewersThese beauties are gonna change your life.....

Best Child Ever!

Best Brisket Chilli recipe EVER!!!!

This is one of my best recipes for chilli! trust me!

Best Brisket Chilli recipe EVER!!!!

This is one of my best recipes for chilli! trust me!

Beer Corn

Mels Beer Corn #melsbeercorn

Lets get making some of the best corn on the cob in the world shall we?

Mels Beer Corn #melsbeercorn

Lets get making some of the best corn on the cob in the world shall we?


Alberta style Brisket done on the Big green egg...

Let's break down and smoke a whole packer brisket! just the way mel from Darksideofthegrill Likes to get them done on his Big Green Egg!

Alberta style Brisket done on the Big green egg...

Let's break down and smoke a whole packer brisket! just the way mel from Darksideofthegrill Likes to get them done on his Big Green Egg!

Big Kahuna Burger

Mels Big Kahuna Burger

Mels Big Kahuna Burger!You may remember the Big kahuna burger from pulp fiction…. The burger that made Samuel L Jackson need a sip of soda to wash that Tasty burger...

Mels Big Kahuna Burger

Mels Big Kahuna Burger!You may remember the Big kahuna burger from pulp fiction…. The burger that made Samuel L Jackson need a sip of soda to wash that Tasty burger...

Country Style Leftover Turkey Soup

Country Style Leftover Turkey Soup

This is a country style recipe like my Baba or Grandma used to make, you can add almost anything to it or like when I was a kid we would...

Country Style Leftover Turkey Soup

This is a country style recipe like my Baba or Grandma used to make, you can add almost anything to it or like when I was a kid we would...